

Let's Transform Lives!

PopHits.Co is paying 10% of its revenue to members


FREE Guide For Influencers, Fans, Independent Artists & Producers

PopHits.Co is the only music distribution platform where artists, influencers, bloggers, fans, and promoters can earn commissions for promoting the music of artists that they invite to the platform, and be part of an impactful social project at the same time – the Hexagonal Voice. Participants receive their money directly from the streaming services themselves and control everything about their network on their own Partner Dashboard. Increasing commissions is a continuous process, the more people you invite, the more income you will earn. This initiative has a social purpose that you can learn more about by clicking here.

PopHits.Co Music Charts is supporting the social project Hexagonal Voice, which brings independent artists, producers, fans and influencers together through music, fighting for social justice. PopHits.Co is a social startup designed for supporting young people to improve their professional careers. As a socio-constructive project, it allows them to grow through teamwork. Join and become part of something bigger!

If you are a visionary person, then you already know that fast technological development now provides different ways to succeed through the internet. In this socio-constructive mechanism, the mission is to open the gates of the music industry to members and partners, developing through teamwork and collaboration. Keep reading and learn more – The strength of our partnership lies in our unity!


Hexagonal Voice - Rectangle Logo (7)


Through the Hexagonal Voice Association, professionals from the media and music industry have united their strengths for social action, enabling artists, fans, producers and influencers to be involved in this partnership with PopHits.Co, being partners of the platform and earning money automatically. The project is focused on learning the art of the music business, working together for career development, and improving income. Making a positive social impact in the community.


Here is a straightforward way to earn money when people listen to music: Artists, fans, producers and influencers benefit from FREE Registration to be members of this network of partnerships. They receive a unique link, which they can use to invite musicians and producers to join their network. This simple action allows members to earn money for the invitations they make and more. The magic is in teamwork and cooperation. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!


PopHits.Co is a non-profit organisation, meaning its earnings are returned to its members in order to help them grow together professionally. Everybody works, and everybody wins! The collaboration system works like the honeycomb of bees, with each member connected to the next, forming a network of income. Formula: Promoting the artists’ music makes your money!


That’s how it works: With your unique link, you invite an independent artist to distribute his new releases through PopHits.Co, or transfer his music from another platform to PopHits.Co. For example, your artist will have about 10 songs on Spotify and be available in over 150 music stores. Your artist will earn when his music is promoted, but the profits of PopHits.Co is paid to you!


The possibilities for earning more than average are endless, and your earnings are progressive and continuous. Your dedication to promoting the music of all artists and producers you invited will make it even more successful. This is all about teamwork: A percentage of PopHits.Co revenue goes to your earnings – essentially, when you promote the music of the artists in your network, more people discover and listen to their music and they earn more. As a result of this partnership and collaboration, PopHits.Co generates more revenue from all streaming services, making you earning more too. It’s a fair business for both sides. Check the rules!


PopHIts.Co and the Hexagonal Voice project are highly transparent to their members. The platform is designed to give freedom to young people, allowing them to develop their professional careers independently, gain teamwork experience, build partnerships, as well as discover profitable business opportunities in the music industry. Members can manage their network of invited artists and producers, check their earnings, get their unique link, and invite others internally or via QR codes. When earning more than $10, it’s easy to send it directly to a bank account in any country, without any geographic limitations. Check the rules!

Discover more about the project and how to earn commissions by continuing to read this article. In case you didn’t receive an invitation and wish to join and take action, click the green button below.

Create your account and enjoy your earns through the Hexagonal Voice project by PopHits.Co Music Charts.

The only way for you to become an accredited partner, start building your network of artists and producers, earn money from the Hexagonal Voice project and make music with a really impactful social purpose, is this: You need to create your account through an invitation link from an accredited partner. If you don’t know any accredited partners, you can still be part of Hexagonal Voice by contacting us at info@pophits.co or clicking on the green button to request an invitation through a form. Please go to the second step if you have already registered your account.

Immediately after registering for your account through an invitation link from an accredited partner, check your email inbox for the message sent by PopHits.Co and click the link to confirm and complete the registration process. Then follow step 3 to finish.


To make sure you do your job correctly and receive your payment, please read all instructions carefully below.

– BECOMING A PARTNER: Using this mechanism requires an invitation. If you already registered your account through an invitation link, please go to the next step. If you have not received an invitation link from a partner but would still like to join the network and start making money, click the green button below to request an invitation.

– STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE: Here you can find a step-by-step guide on using the platform as a partner, including pictures of the menus, sections, and functionalities. Check it out!

– ARTISTS & PRODUCERS: It is possible for producers and artists to distribute their music on PopHits.Co, and also grow their own networks inviting other artists – Making money from it. Check out the option “Grow Your Network” below.

– PROMOTERS & FANS: Fans and Influencers (including bloggers and promoters) can invite artists and producers to distribute their music through PopHits.Co, creating a network to work in partnership. Once the artist’s registration is done and confirmed, partners (promoters, influencers and fans, etc) can start promoting the artist’s music and earn money from that. Check out the option “Grow Your Network” below.

– MUSIC DISTRIBUTION: Artists and producers must go to the login box below, access their account, and go to the menu option NEW RELEASE. Distribute your music now, or transfer your music from another platform to PopHits.Co. Being a partner of the Hexagonal Voice project allows you to earn more while getting promoted by your network of partners. It’s not just artists and producers who make money, but their partners too, who can be influencers and fans.

– GROW YOUR NETWORK: Invite others and earn more. Go to the login box below, access your account, and go to the menu option ACCOUNT  >  REFERRALS  >  COPY LINK  >  and start inviting and growing your network of artists and producers. When artists and producers are invited by you – our official partner – to create an account, and distribute music on PopHIts.Co, as a result, they receive money from streaming services, which means you are paid by those platforms as well. Get started by becoming a partner.

– INVITATIONS: If you are already a partner – to add new artists and producers to your network, send them your unique link and ask them to fill out the form and submit it. They will receive a confirmation link in their email after registering, so make sure they confirm it. You can also contact us at info@pophits.co, and provide the email address used by the artist to register on PopHits.Co. A member of our team will make sure the artist is added as soon as possible to your network.

– PAYMENTS: The payment of music streaming platforms to artists and partners starts after three months of the music being distributed by the artist. Artists and producers can withdraw their earnings to their bank account and also set an automatic split between their team. Partners members of the Hexagonal Voice project earn a 10% commission and can withdraw it anytime through the platform, since it reaches the minimum of $10. If you are already a partner, don’t forget to promote your artists’ songs, get people listening to their music as much as you can, because your money is made from that. Let’s work!

– LOGIN: You can use the Login box below or click here to access our portal.

– KNOW MORE ABOUT THE PROJECT: We invite you to look at the main section with all the detailed information you need about our project, which can be found by clicking here.

– SOCIAL PURPOSE: If you join the PopHits.Co community, no matter what your position or area of expertise is, together you support independent artists, fans, influencers, producers, and members of Hexagonal Voice. Ultimately, it’s all about fighting for social justice and driving real social impact in the lives of young people. Below you can find out more about our socio-constructive mission in the section Transforming Lives.

Log in to your account and enjoy your earns through the Hexagonal Voice project! Make sure you check out the other services as well.


We Make Music With Purpose

Hexagonal Voice is a socio-constructive project developed by Will Lisil, the creator of PopHits.Co. Both projects have as their main purpose giving voice to young people and the community’s independent artists who could not have access to music distribution services without this initiative. One of the main reasons for this union with members, partners, and MW3.biz International production company, is also to promote awareness and social actions such as 1in6.org campaigns against child abuse, giving voice to those who can’t speak. An alliance for social justice was born from it, you and your passion can be part of that by simply registering and using our services.

Following the amazing and viral #MeToo hashtag, which women used to share their own personal experiences with sexual violence, the project Hexagonal Voice was created to raise awareness about the high number of boys being sexually abused today in our society. In collaboration with members, partners, and supporters, they promote campaigns supporting institutions specialised in the recovery of men and boys who are victims of sexual violence. According to current statistics, 1 in 6 boys is a victim. This is the main purpose of this alliance: Music lovers fighting against child sexual slavery and abusive treatment. Join us in this partnership and let’s make music with purpose!